Culvert Sliplining & Rehabilitation
Culvert pipe rehabilitation and preservation is an important and cost-effective way of maintaining our nation’s infrastructure. When culverts fail roads cave in, the traveling public is at danger. Typically these failures are depicted in the news as “sinkholes”, as if they are natural occurrences. They are in fact predictable and preventable, with active culvert inspection programs in place. When considering the many options available for the repair of failing structures, both the structural and hydraulic requirements for the site need to be met by the chosen system for repair.
Structural Slip Lining with InfraSteel
InfraSteel is manufactured in wall thickness up to 2” thick and in spans up to 20’ wide. Once the load bearing design requirements are met, additional steel wall thickness is added for each year of desired design life. Our customers frequently comment that the InfraSteel culvert rehab structure will far exceed their lifetime.

Meeting Hydraulic Requirements
When considering the hydraulic requirements of a specific site, we work with hydraulic engineers to design culvert rehabilitation solutions that will meet their needs. As permitting becomes increasingly difficult, we have found that our approach of designing site specific liners has become even more important. InfraSteel structures can be made with inlet and outlet control features, and also with fish baffles, headwalls and wing walls. Also, because of our steel construction, other existing stormwater lateral lines can be easily tied-in to the new InfraSteel liner. If additional hydraulic requirements are determined beyond that of repair, then an adjacent culvert barrel should be installed using the jack and bore method.
Additional benefits of InfraSteel culvert rehabilitation services include: